Podcast 283 : Blakiston's Fish Owl Feeding (Video)

Here's a short video that I shot on Feb 1, 2011, of a Blakiston's Fish Owl Feeding in the town of Rausu, Hokkaido, Japan. The pool from which the owl feeds is rocks covered with snow. The rocks were put there by locals, and they drop fish into the pool each night to feed the owls. This is done whether photographers are there or not, and is helping the owls to grow in numbers for the first time in decades.

You can also view the embedded video right here on your iPad, thanks to Vimeo!

Don't forget to hit the full-screen button Full-Screen Button in the video window to view the video, erm, full-screen.

[iframe http://player.vimeo.com/video/23211722?portrait=0 590 332]


Note that there is an iPod/iPhone version of this video in iTunes, which is good for portability, but if you're watching on a computer, the video above is better.

272 g: "The Nature of Japan" Exhibition Slideshow